
Hoi4 wiki modern tank
Hoi4 wiki modern tank

hoi4 wiki modern tank

Tank designers give bonuses to ALL tank models and variants no matter their classification UNLESS they specifically state otherwise. The context he adds afterwards has nothing to do with the question at hand His question "Modern Tanks considered Medium, Heavy, or neither?" Tanks became a part of the mechanized corps at this point. In 1929, it established the Central Directorate for Mechanization and Motorization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army.

hoi4 wiki modern tank

In this guide, you’ll be shown what division templates are best, supported by actual calculations. In 1928, the Soviet Union began the production of the MS-1 tanks ( -1, where M stands for 'small' and S for 'convoy').

hoi4 wiki modern tank

Click here for the Navy Guide Creating divisions is one of the most important aspects of Hearts of Iron IV. We answered his question to the letter, there is nothing to "get". The Ultimate Guide to Division Templates, Aircraft and Tank Designs (Updated 27-02-2023) By Vezachs. Mediums? Heavies? Their own category? This is important because no tank designer in the game says it gives bonuses to Modern Tanks, so unless Moderns are classified as Mediums or Heavies for the purposes of the game's code, tank designers become useless the minute you switch to Modern Tanks. He's asking what the game classifies Modern Tanks AS. Besides political power, many design companies have other prerequisites that must be completed before they are able to be selected and some are only available when certain DLC is enabled.Originally posted by LieutenantVixen:You guys aren't getting it. Only one design company of each type can be selected at a time, but they can be removed for free or replaced at the price of the replacement. They provide research speed increases and stat bonuses to different technologies and equipment. This is a list of design companies in Hearts of Iron IV.ĭesign companies are ideas that can be bought for Political Power (usually 150). If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

Hoi4 wiki modern tank